Thursday, April 23, 2009

Vortex of Chaos...

Absolute Chaos! I apparently stepped into an alternate reality and well, here I stand in a vortex of chaos. The spiral of intrinsic forces beyond my limited control. I am a slalom skier traveling at a neck breaking pace down a very slippery slope, dodging one trial pole after another in rapid succession, only to be met with yet another one within millimeters of my face. Problem is, I never learned to ski, let alone have a practice run!
I won't get into the long drawn out hows and whys of it all, as I am trying desperately to conquer and progress past each posing threat as quickly as possible, and then forgetting it. Plus, who wants to hash out the depressing parts of life? Everyone carries a burden. Mine right now are multiple and minuscule. Which is preferred to; few and back breaking. It is the vast number that is taking my breath away is all.
You know the quote: "Life isn't measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away" " I am not sure, but I speculate this is not what they meant by it because this is ridiculous! I mean either you laugh or you cry. Well I have laughed, cracked up even, now I am about to cry.
I just want the world to stop just for a moment... let me step off, and relax. I mean I work at NASA for peat's sake shouldn't I have some kind of a connection for this kind of a request? A space walk maybe? A well needed breath of fresh air? A moment to gather my thoughts and regain the footing that I have apparently lost? I feel as if I am walking on marbles. While this is great for my thighs it is deadly for the rest of my well being.
Am I the only one out here that desires peace and quiet, and a stillness of the spirit? I mean so many of us are in need of it and so few of us posses it. I seek the scriptures and yet I feel like I am left alone to see how I will handle the burden, and yet I don't know if I am failing miserably or not. Just that the vortex is not going away, just that the intensity ebbs between unbearable and well simply chaos personified.
This too shall pass is my sol ice and well I am running out of positive propaganda to fuel my soul. I am in desperate need of sleep, and am seriously thinking about taking something to knock me out tonight so I can. However, for now... I have to figure out a miracle, wrack my brain for a solution... and find an angel of mercy. Anyone got a spare one laying around????

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