The quest for my existence, has brought me to this extraordinary place.
A little girl, all grown up, full of excitement, wonderment, and grace.
I know that I am blessed by God, my heavenly father above,
Encircled in his strong, steadfast, and unmovable love,
And yet I am scared this ride of his might somehow come to an end.
I am fortunate to know these people and have them call me a friend.
How can one ever hope to find an avenue for this wondrous gift to repay?
The way we walk in such honorable footsteps of those that came before this day?
To watch the crews of such amazing collaborations like Global Hawk,IKHANA, or the X-48B train?
I sneak a look into each hanger, inspired, and awed by each, and every new unfolding plane.
This peaceful desert landscape pierced only by the majestic beauty
of the suns first morning ray.
The expanse of 44 square flat precious miles, the worlds largest dry lake bed clay,
The place where the shuttles and crew’s come here to kiss the ground, and play.
The biggest little “sonic” boom town of the world, set before me this very day.
Restricted Air Space R-2508 with winds that are warm and fierce most days of the year.
The Motto from every pilot, every mechanic, and every single engineer …No Fear.
I am a NASA enthusiast, lucky to be among these brilliant minds.
No one on this great planet could imagine their next up and coming finds.
I drive in to my job each day marked by the beautiful darkened angel SR-71.
Who would have ever dreamed that this woman would have such immeasurable fun?
Dryden’s Flight Research Center engulfed in California’s summer heat and sun!
I love these hallowed walls, the history, the legacy of NASA a ton.
No Lottery Ticket could buy this, No purchase request is this big,
No, nothing could ever compare to seeing the Mate de Mate rig.
To walk on air, around the Shuttle, to dance effortlessly upon the sand,
To feel the wind 3 stories up, and holding back the touch of Endeavour from my hand!
This is my playground of dreams, possibilities unfolding, and earthly treasures oh so very dear.
The bubble within the bubble, the technology that guides our futures by what we make here.
NASA is a bright and brilliant lantern of success, and prolific inspiration.
It comes from each and every one of us, and our open lines of communication.
With rocket science, space adventures, and new found technology on the winning side.
Can’t you feel the rising of the next big global NASA’s energy tide?
It is our contributions to the planet earth family that we are honored by,
This is our time to show our passions, to stretch our wings, and fly!
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