What the heck is Asperger's Syndrome?
Well, if life were not interesting enough George is now being tested for Asperger's Syndrome. Asperger's Disorder is a milder variant of Autistic Disorder, also know as high functioning autistic. This is by far not a bad thing... Bill Gates has Asperger's. However, anyone who knows George knows he is just unique. He is eight years old, and collects Forbes magazines, and Wall Street Journal Newspapers. He reads them, and stacks them on his only shelf beside the top bunk of his bed. In fact when he sleeps you constantly hear him turn and the crumpling of papers. While this may not be normal, this is George. He is a critical thinker, and does not know what thinking in the box means. It is not uncommon to listen to him and think he is an old man trapped in a little body. He does not have any mannerisms, and speaks in a monotone which is hard for most to understand. He needs calm, quiet, cleanliness, and order to stay content. He strongly relys on his brother Dustin for interpretation skills and friendship. He has a very hard time socially, and is often the brunt of harassment and bullying. He does not like to make eye contact with anyone, and often plays by himself huddled in the front room playing with some minor thing repetitively...thinking. He has always guided himself by his own routines. He brushes his teeth, gets up, and goes to bed all without being told, and always at the same time... no matter if it is the weekend or what the case may be. He just disappears from family time and someone has to go check to see if he made it to bed, and as always he has. He is my hero, grounded, and not ruled by emotions.
For so long, I being his mother, seemed so strange. I am an extrovert, who knows no stranger, ruled by emotions, and bubbly, and yet intlligent enough to know happiness comes from within, and not centered around a career, a degree, or a paycheck. George is grounded, centered, and focused. For so long I felt as if he loved me, but did not like me. I have come to realize that he loves me, but on his time table and only to the extent he allows me to. He likes to watch me, enjoys my silliness, and playfulness, but from a distance. He delights in my happiness, my crazy manaerisms, and my horrible singing funny songs from across the room. This is an 8 year dance we have learned together. A functional relationship of ebbs and flows. I have learned to give him his space and observe him from a far, and come in for a sneak attack hug or kiss on ocassions that are fitting him. George will be successful beyond measure. He is truly an amazing kid, smart as all get out in some areas, and dumber then a box of rocks in others. No matter what they find, no matter what the outcome is... he is George Lee Buerer III, he is my hero.
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